Douglas Siler (22/11/2004)
Courriel adressé au Smart Museum of
Art (U. of Chicago): A search on « Pradier » in your on-line database retrieves the following record:
Pradier, Jean-Jacques, 'Three Classical
Size: x 24.77 x in. x 9
3/4 x cm. [sic]
Media: bronze, fragment of a larger composition
Description: [none]
Credit Line: Gift of Mr. John N. Stern
Curator's Object Class: WESTERN /EUROPEAN
Curator's Object Type: SCULPTURE / PRE-1900
Registrar's Object Type: SCULPTURE
I understand that no photo of this work is available.
Would it be possible to obtain a brief description which
would help me to identify it? I would like to know in
particular if the three Goddesses are standing nude figures,
all facing in the same direction (in which case the work must
be a reduction of Pradier's famous marble group,
The Three Graces, which belongs to the Louvre) or if they
are in a different pose, perhaps standing around a column. I
am also wondering why the work is considered to be a
« fragment of a larger composition ».
Anne Leonard (Mellon Projects Curator, The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, 22/11/2004)
I am sorry to say that the Pradier sculpture you
mention is no longer with the museum, and we have no
photographs of it. In fact this work should be removed
from the database, which we will do. Again, I am sorry
we cannot be more helpful with your inquiry.
Douglas Siler (21/2/2016)
A noter que sous le n° 431-3 de son catalogue raisonné de Pradier, Claude Lapaire signale que cette œuvre a été vendue par le musée et l'identife non au groupe des Trois Grâces mais à celui de Junon, Vénus et Minerve.
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